Fort DeRussy Beach Park is a 71 acre beach-front military reservation in Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii. Fort DeRussy is almost entirely open to the public. Fort DeRussy Beach Park covers about a fourth of all beach in Waikiki and has the largest beaches in all of Waikiki. The large park has lots of amenities open to the public.
Fort DeRussy in Honolulu is one of five Forts DeRussy in the US. There are two in Lousiana and another in Kentucky. Fort DeRussy Beach Park is named after General René Edward De Russy (1789–1865), a Westpoint graduate who served in the Civil War. Fort DeRussy Beach Park is located where the former Battery Randolph was located, a R & R for US servicemen during the Vietnam War.
Fort DeRussy has many facilities open to the public. Fort DeRussy has two public restrooms / showers on opposite ends of the beach. Fort DeRussy Beach Park is handicap accessible, learn more here.